Built on the glitz of comfort, speed and cheapness, supermarkets distract from the land and lives destroyed by extractivist global food systems.
Food is one of the most important needs for every human being. The upcoming food crisis is not fiction. Today’s dominant model of industrial agriculture creates dangerously fragile societies and ecosystems.
La Bolina is part of project Supermarket Museum – a collaboration between organisations across Europe creating alternative food growing models and campaigning against the disconnected food system.
Read the Supermarket Museum MANIFESTO here
As part of the project, La Bolina’s agroecology educator, Habiba Youssef has worked on the creation of a guide, teaching resource and exquisite artworks (Kim Barraca) which you can see here. It is a motivational document which shares how agroecology can empower the creation of dignified livelihoods for migrants and refugees.
Focusing on making visible the invisible exploitative working conditions of migrant food growers, La Bolina’s Artistic director Ruth Cross created a film with La Bolina members Charaf El Makkaoui and Ernesto Gibba based on interviews and research on migrant farmers’ daily lives in Almeria’s Plastic Sea. If you don’t know what the Plastic Sea is – you need to watch this video.
La Bolina’s work joins the artwork, video, photos, documents and resources of artists and educators across Europe in the interactive and playful Supermarket Museum Web Doc.
La Bolina’s work of artists and educators across Europe in the interactive and playful Supermarket Museum Web Doc.
AgroPermaLab Foundation (Poland), Permakultura na Ukrainie (Ukraine) Lebende Samen, Living Seeds (Germany) Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ (Czech Republic)
Biennale Warszawa (Poland) Nyeleni Polska – Food Sovereignty (Poland)
FINANCED BY Culture of Solidarity Fund
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”