Each year La Bolina makes an immersive Forum Theatre in collaboration with migrants and refugees from across the world who participate in our La Bolina Social Theatre workshops. The themes we work on include Belonging, Diversity, Migration and Racism.

The narrative is co-created by the performers, based on their own experience of leaving home, migrating and finding belonging in a new place.  

During the Forum Theatre sections audience members come on stage to step into the shoes of a character and try out possible ways to transform the scene. 

The performance work is shown to diverse audiences of migrants, refugees and local people, followed by a shared dinner, discussion and celebration. 

During the pandemic we could not meet as a group to make performance work, however, artistic director Ruth Cross collaborated with Charaf el Makkaoui and Ernesto Gibba to create an awareness raising film about the lives of migrant farm workers in Almería’s Plastic Sea. Please follow these links to watch videos of the performances.

Video Disconnect by La Bolina on Vimeo (2021) 

Video of The Journey: Teatro Social La Bolina (2019)