Trabajo del Campo (2022-23)
La Bolina hosted 3 artist-researchers (2 from migrant background) on a 6 month residency in ‘The Plastic Sea’ greenhouses in Almería Spain. Mentored by La Bolina together they developed new artistic, ethnographic & embodied research methods for making art in the field of migrant workers rights.
New website specifically focusing on this project coming soon.

Arts for Justice Residency (2022)
La Bolina, Ulex South and The Change Collective hosted 21 international artists from migrant backgrounds to learn, exchange practices, network and experiment with performative and artistic responses to raise awareness about toxic food systems and the exploitation of migrant workers in southern Spain. Artwork on display at Refugee Week.
La Bolina works in collaboration with organisations and artists across Europe to create alternative models of food cultivation and campaign against the disconnected food system through theatre, events, film and socially engaged art. Workshops and mentoring activities were provided by Ulex South, La Bolina and The Change Collective, a UK-based organisation that explores how art can be a catalyst for social change.
The residency was attended by artists, writers and creators from diverse backgrounds, working in solidarity with migrants and refugees, or working in the field of arts and ecology or artivism. People who want to develop their expertise and capacity to make work that makes a difference.
The artists gave individual or collective (in small groups) performative, artistic or change responses during and after the residency.
Why focus on supermarkets?
Built on the glitter of convenience, speed and cheapness, supermarkets distract attention from the land and lives destroyed by extractivist global food systems. Food is one of the most important needs of every human being. The looming food crisis is not fiction. The current dominant model of industrial agriculture creates dangerously fragile societies and ecosystems.
Recommended video: Disconnect