A short film by La Bolina mobility participant Selma Blanken, member of the La Bolina trainer Network and La Bolina’s Almeria project.
This video was funded by the Erasmus+ and shared during the New Narratives exhibition in La Bolina’s El AlmaZen as part of celebrating the project results. Selma made this work as a culmination of her learnings from the Sounds of the City course run by the Syrian Greek Youth Forum in Greece in 2023.
You are of Dutch origin. I am of Moroccan origin. That is something very different my dear. Different origins, different lives. Fatima came from Morocco to Spain to provide for her family. For more than ten years, she has been working in The Plastic Sea, Europe’s largest greenhouse area. In this immense industry, the exploitation of migrant workers is the rule rather than the exception. Selma came from the Netherlands to Spain to understand how and why. Our paths crossed and a deep friendship grew. This video is a co-creation born out of a conversation in the car. About problems, solutions, horizons and the inequality of pursuing them. About the system. About us.
Tu eres Holandesa. Yo soy Marroquí. Eso es algo muy diferente, nena. Orígenes diferentes, vidas diferentes. Fatima vino de Marruecos a España para sacar adelante a su familia. Desde hace más de diez años trabaja en El Mar de Plástico, la mayor zona de invernaderos de Europa. En esta inmensa industria, la explotación de los trabajadores inmigrantes es la norma y no la excepción. Selma vino de los Países Bajos a España para entender cómo y por qué. Nuestros caminos se cruzaron y surgió una profunda amistad. Este vídeo es una cocreación nacida de una conversación en el coche. Sobre problemas, soluciones, horizontes y la desigualdad de perseguirlos. Sobre el sistema. Sobre nosotros.